travel | design | gluten free recipes

meet MEGAN

Travel Designer & Gluten free Baker

Megan is a dynamic entrepreneur and creative professional with a versatile background spanning 10+ years in the film & television and fashion industries. Her global business ventures have honed her skills and led her to excel in the luxury travel sphere, as a travel planner and designer through Daydream Expeditions.

Megan's innate ability to blend creativity with precision has earned her accolades in her previous roles, including being the Founder of the lifestyle brand Lord and Lady and her work as a freelance Seamstress for Feature Films, Photoshoots, and Television for top-tier networks like Disney, Marvel, and Paramount.

Cupcake & Carry-On is Megan's little passion project, where the dreams of a wanderer, the wisdom of a reader, and the delights of a gluten-free traveler converge. Here, you'll uncover a treasure trove of nourishing recipes, insightful travel guides, productivity hacks, and packing wisdom—all designed to add a touch of ease and serenity to your everyday journey.

Get to know me!

MEGAN right now


Iron & Flame by Rebecca Yarros (Goodreads)


flight risk by Bree Bartha


Almost Paradise Season 2

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